Stop the Covid debt crisis

Covid-19 has been the biggest shock of our generation.  

Millions of families who were managing before the pandemic are now facing real financial hardship – more and more people are going into debt just to pay for essentials.  

8.5 million people, that’s 1 in 6 adults are now over-indebted.  

The Chancellor must urgently take action to cancel household debt. Here are the steps to get there: 
► Clear debts for people who are renting or have council tax debt through a government grant  
► Change the system to make it easier for people to get out of debt and move forward from this pandemic and future crises 
► Freeze all evictions and bailiff activity against people in debt. 

This briefing provides further detail of the case for action and the measures needed to Reset The Debt.

Jubilee Debt Campaign, along with Churches and charities, are calling on the Government to Reset The Debt. You can find out more about the campaign at